Cafe Theme: "Inspired Living"

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Cafe Theme: "Inspired Living" by Mind Map: Cafe Theme: "Inspired Living"

1. Ambience

1.1. Natural Ambient Lighting

1.2. White/Ambient Noise/ Pleasant Music

1.3. Comfortable Furniture

1.4. No Time Constraints on sitting

1.5. Fresh Air/ No A/C

1.6. Free Internet

1.7. Greenery / Microgreens inside the cafe

1.8. Coffee or natural fragrance

2. Live: In-action examples in the cafe

2.1. Zero Waste Cafe

2.2. Upcycle with non-recyclable items generated in the cafe and sell the items

3. Fitness

3.1. Healthy Eating Menu - Salads, Drinks

3.2. Yoga workshops

3.3. Run for causes - can be incentivised further by giving discounts for participation.

4. Reading

4.1. Well divided/categorised bookshelves - based on places (main category), genres, recommendations, quick reads, Inspirational, romantic, etc

4.2. Reading campaigns - campaign for the first time reader, for the seasoned readers, what to read next campaigns, share your review campaigns

4.3. Digital and quick system to check book reviews - have QR code on the backside of each book that connects to the Goodreads page for that book.

4.4. Book reading sessions by authors/poets etc.

5. Learning & Fun

5.1. Get people into a new hobby (Workshops - pottery, Painting, cooking, etc.)

5.2. Movie night

5.3. Comedy evenings

6. Events/Workshops

6.1. For Causes

6.1.1. Pet Adoption related (CUPA)

6.1.2. Organic farming

6.1.3. Bottle Bricks/ Eco Pillow making

6.1.4. Conduct book donation drives for schools/educational institutions

6.2. For Revenue

6.2.1. Comedy/Music Shows

6.2.2. Cooking/Pottery/Painting etc sessions

7. Inspirational Storytelling

7.1. via website/ social media

7.2. via in-house personal story sessions

8. Travel

8.1. Bookshelves designated to particular travel places.

8.2. Travel tips (Online blog links, Offline Post-its)

8.3. Story sessions by travellers/Instagram influencers

8.4. Events (Coffee estate/ Organic farm visits)

8.5. Nudge based awareness through coasters, menus, hanging post-its.

9. Sustainability

9.1. Events by experienced people in the industry (e.g. An event on sustainable menstruation)

9.2. In action live examples in the cafe Compost pits, crockery, Microgreens

9.3. Simple How-To(s) educating people on how to be more sustainable - will be done through website/ graphics/ etc.

9.4. Signages in toilets and other key places - educating people on careless usage of tissues, straws etc.

9.5. Nudge based awareness through coasters, menus, hanging post-its.