Elements, compounds and mixtures

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Elements, compounds and mixtures by Mind Map: Elements, compounds and mixtures

1. Finance

1.1. Funding

1.1.1. Employee

1.1.2. Employee

1.2. Tax filings

1.2.1. Employee

1.2.2. Employee

1.3. Payroll

1.3.1. Employee

1.3.2. Employee

2. Colloidial solution

2.1. Partnerships

2.1.1. Employee

2.1.2. Employee

2.2. Risks

2.2.1. Employee

2.2.2. Employee

2.3. Agreements

2.3.1. Employee

2.3.2. Employee

3. Classification of matter

3.1. A. Pure substances

3.1.1. Elements 1. Metals Non metals and noble gases Metalloids

3.1.2. Compounds

3.2. B. Mixtures

3.2.1. Homogeneous mixtures

3.2.2. Heterogeneous mixtures

4. Different methods of separation

4.1. Separation of solid- solid mixture

4.1.1. a) Mechanical picking

4.1.2. b) Magnetic separation

4.1.3. c) By gravitation

4.1.4. d) Sublimation

4.1.5. e) Solvent extraction method

4.1.6. f) fractional distillation

4.2. Separation of solid- liquid mixture

4.2.1. a) Sedimentation

4.2.2. Employee

4.2.3. Separation of solid- liquid mixture Employee Employee

4.3. Separation of gas- gas mixture

4.3.1. Employee

4.3.2. Employee

4.3.3. Separation of solid- solid mixture