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Mind Mapping by Mind Map: Mind Mapping

1. How To

1.1. Sample Template

1.2. Brainstorm & Edit/ Build over time

1.3. What do I already know?

2. Tools

2.1. MindMeister

2.2. Coggle

2.3. xMind

2.4. Mobile Apps

2.4.1. Mindjet

2.4.2. iThoughts

2.4.3. Popplet

2.4.4. M8!

2.5. Simple Mind

3. Demo and Try on your Device

4. Try it Out on Paper

5. What is it?

5.1. MindMap Layout

5.2. A Visual Tool

5.3. Why MindMaps Work

5.4. A way to organise ideas

6. Functions

6.1. Study

6.1.1. Organising Notes/Research Collect Ideas See relationship between ideas

6.1.2. Revision

6.2. Generating Ideas

6.2.1. Essay Writing

6.2.2. Presentations

6.2.3. Assignment Planning

6.3. Groupwork

6.3.1. Brainstorming

6.3.2. Collaborating

6.4. Research

7. Benefits

7.1. Overview

7.2. Simplifies Complex Topics

7.3. Easier to memorise

7.4. Good for Visual Learners

7.5. Combine Materials

7.6. Intuitive