Bourbon Reforms

The Bourbon Reforms

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Bourbon Reforms by Mind Map: Bourbon Reforms

1. Administrative Union & Equality

2. Carlos III (Monarch)

3. Jose de Gálvez (Minister

4. Report that, by virtue of the Royal Order of May 24 of this year [1771], made the ... General Visitor Mr. José de Gálvez al ... Viceroy D. Antonio María Bucareli, of the state of serious matters that He was in charge: divided into four parts: News of the perpetual tributes; Of the new and old branches of the Real Erario; Arrangement of own and arbitrios;

5. Barbier, Jacques. “The Culmination of the Bourbon Reforms, 1787–1792.” Hispanic American Historical Review 57 (February 1977): 51–68.

6. Cuello, José. "The Economic Impact of the Bourbon Reforms and the Late Colonial Crisis of Empire at the Local Level: The Case of Saltillo, 1777-1817" (1988) 301-23

7. Real Cédula (Equality) 1778

8. Gálvez' Decrees (Mexico)

9. Labor Regulations

10. Mandatory Employment

11. Larger Workforce

12. Increased Productivity

13. Equal treatment for Local/Spanish-born subjects

14. More positions available to Peninsulares in Colonial Gov't

15. Increased centralization of Government

16. A more powerful monarchy

17. Doubling of taxes (1777)

18. Increased Revenue

19. Increased ability to engage in War with other European nations and to prevent foreign interference