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Science by Mind Map: Science

1. Assessment for stated objective: Students will create a visual aid to demonstrate the difference between climate and weather. Students will be graded with 80% accuracy on their poster that will depict a certain climate, as well as the differentiation between climate and weather.

2. Instructional Activity: The teacher will guide students through a close reading of the student reading passage on climate using the following steps: 1st Reading: The students read the passage independently and silently. 2nd Reading: The teacher will model reading to capture the gist of the passage. In this step students are looking for the most important information. When possible, we will use context clues find the meaning of unknown vocabulary. Using the document camera so they can both see and hear what I’m doing, the teacher will go through the first paragraph one sentence at a time. I underline what I think I would know if I was a 3rd grader, circle any unfamiliar words, and summarize the idea of the first sentence on the lines to the right. The teacher will continue modeling as students read the first paragraph and then call on students to help me with the process for the rest of the passage. 3rd reading: Now the students reread the passage independently or with a partner AFTER they have previewed the text-dependent questions I’ve written to guide their reading.

3. Behavioral Objective: Students will closely read a passage about climate and create a visual aid to help others understand the difference between climate and weather with 80% accuracy.

4. Weather & Climate 3-ESS2-2. Obtain and combine information to describe climates in different regions of the world.

5. Concept to be taught: Students will be able to use specific scientific vocabulary to articulate the difference between climate and weather.