The Education of Students With Disabilities

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The Education of Students With Disabilities by Mind Map: The Education of Students With Disabilities

1. Differentiated Instruction

1.1. Scaffolding

1.2. Tiered lesson plans

1.3. Individualized

1.4. Challenging but appropriate expectations

2. Patience

3. Challenging

4. Inclusion

5. Tolerance

5.1. As a teacher

5.2. Class-wide

5.3. Community-wide

6. Care

7. Listening

8. Creativity

9. Multiple perspectives

10. Collaboration

10.1. Parents

10.2. Specialists

10.3. Students

10.4. Teachers

10.5. Administration

10.6. Classroom

11. Respect

12. Strength and Courage

13. Diversity

14. Individual

14.1. unique needs