ITEC 830 Emerging Technologies A Snapshot
создатель Rachel Holz
1. What is an emerging technology? (Veletsianos, p.13-16)
1.1. may or may not be new
1.2. exist in a state of "coming into being"
1.3. go through hype cycles
1.4. potentially disruptive; potential is mostly unfulfilled
1.5. satisfies 2 "not yet" criteria
1.5.1. fully understood
1.5.2. fully researched
2. class content
2.1. the unconference
2.2. workshops on emerging tech
2.2.1. ebook maker
2.2.2. istopmotion
2.2.3. zebrazapps
2.2.4. educational gaming
2.3. singapore online conference
2.4. veletsianos discussions
2.5. creating a community of learning
2.6. personal learning environments
2.7. personal learning networks
2.8. social learning networks
2.9. the horizon report
3. What could make the class better?
3.1. Focused direction and discussion around professional/corporate vs. school settings
3.2. Discussion of how to keep up with "emerging" technologies as an instructional design practictioner
3.3. Study of what pros are doing in utilizing technologies - finding good examples in the real-world of emerging technology usage and application
4. What's new?
4.1. communication
4.1.1. google+ hangouts
4.1.2. vivu
4.2. presentation
4.2.1. sliderocket
4.3. collaboration
4.3.1. google+
4.4. education
4.5. animation
4.6. visual thinking
4.6.1. mindmeister
4.6.2. New node
4.7. aggregators
4.7.1. hootsuite
4.7.2. presently
4.7.3. diigo