What makes an elearning professional?

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What makes an elearning professional? by Mind Map: What makes an elearning professional?

1. Skills/CPD

1.1. Technology

1.2. Education

1.3. Best practice in using technology

1.4. Subject matter areas

1.5. Copyright/legal

1.6. Communication

2. Range of roles

2.1. Technical

2.2. Content generation

2.3. Online tutoring

2.4. Design

2.5. Software development

2.6. IT support

3. Employment

3.1. Universities

3.2. FE Colleges

3.3. Schools?

3.4. Training companies

3.5. Specialist elearning companies

3.6. Corporates (in-house)

4. Range of entry routes

4.1. Technology

4.2. Education

4.3. Subject specialism

5. Trust

5.1. Accreditation/Professional Bodies

5.1.1. Testing

5.1.2. Regulation

5.2. Perceptions

5.2.1. "Geek"

5.3. Experience

5.3.1. Recent

5.4. Ethics

6. Tools

6.1. Coding

6.2. VLEs

6.3. Social media

6.4. Authoring tools

6.5. Multimedia (video/audio)