Second Semester

Empowerment Technology

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Second Semester by Mind Map: Second Semester

1. Business Mathematics

1.1. to learn basic formulas to be used in accounting.

1.2. TOPICS:

1.3. Trade Discount

1.4. Discount Series

1.5. Proportion

1.6. Fraction

1.7. Decimal

2. Physical Science

2.1. To learn about the wonders of the world

2.2. TOPICS:

2.3. Big Bang Theory

2.4. Galileo's Observation

2.5. Balancing

2.6. Nucleosynthesis

2.7. Origin of Atoms

3. ABM

3.1. To teach us what accountants do.

3.2. TOPICS:

3.3. Ledger

3.4. Income Statement

3.5. Ammortization

3.6. Balance Sheet

3.7. Trial Balance

4. Statistics & Probability

4.1. To help us make our research/thesis easier.

4.2. TOPICS:

4.3. Skewness

4.4. Probability DIstribution

4.5. Mean

4.6. Variance

4.7. Mode

5. Organization and Management

5.1. To make us more knowledgeable about business

5.2. TOPICS:

5.3. Planning

5.4. Decison-Making

5.5. Staffing

5.6. Levels of Management

5.7. Factors of Management

6. Christian Living Education

6.1. To bring us closer to God

6.2. TOPICS:

6.3. Sacrament of Eucharist

6.4. Sacrament of Baptism

6.5. Sacrament of Confirmation

6.6. Sacrament of Matrimony

6.7. Mama Mary

7. Values Education

7.1. To give us better understanding of our future.

7.2. TOPICS:

7.3. 4 Core Values

7.4. Self-Compassion

7.5. Career

7.6. SMART goals

7.7. Career Planning

8. Physical Education

8.1. To make ourselves healthy.

8.2. TOPICS:

8.3. Volleyball

8.4. Table Tennis

8.5. Badminton

8.6. Basketball

8.7. Martial Arts

9. Pagbasa at Pagsuri

9.1. To learn Filipino grammar

9.2. TOPICS:

9.3. Tekstong Persuasib

9.4. Tekstong Naratibo

9.5. Tekstong Deskriptibo

9.6. Tekstong Prosidyural

9.7. Hakbang ng Pagsusulat

10. Empowerment Technology

10.1. To learn more about technology

10.2. TOPICS:

10.3. Mechanical

10.4. Pre-mechanical

10.5. Electromechanical

10.6. Mechanical

10.7. History of World Wide Web

11. Reading & Writing

11.1. To learn more about research and writing

11.2. TOPICS:

11.3. Business Letter

11.4. Poetry

11.5. Resume

11.6. Types of Claims

11.7. Reading Comprehension