Reducing our carbon footprint

solution advantages and disadvantages

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Reducing our carbon footprint by Mind Map: Reducing our carbon footprint

1. Advanteges

1.1. 1) These cheap clothes don't get thought twice of when throwing away as people believe that "it was only £X it doesn't matter if i get rid of it" and then ends up in the landfill with over 15 million tonnes of textile waste in landfill so this wouldn't happen

1.2. 2)

2. Disadvantages

2.1. 1) As it is cheap many people are able to afford it compared to may other types of clothing brands.

2.2. 2) By not purchasing "fast fashion" you could potentially be putting people out of their jobs.

3. Disadvanteges

3.1. 1) Insulating your house can be an expensive investment but if you are able to afford it then it will save you money in the future as the gas/electricity bill will be lower

3.2. 2) LED bulbs are more expensive and can be tricky to set up if you want to adjust the brightness from your phone and some people may not know how to do it or afford to buy the more expensive bulb

4. Advanteges

4.1. 1) By insulation your house you are able to retain heat in your house without the need of turning the heating on and to cool down you just need to open a few windows to allow a cool breeze to flow.

4.2. 2) By purchasing LED bulbs you are will be saving money as they cost less to run and last longer than a filament bulb and some LED bulbs you are able to customise to change the brightness and to automatically turn off when you leave the house.

5. Adjust your home

6. Stop buying "Fast Fashion"

7. Disadvantages:

7.1. 1) The production of biofuels is not very optimised and cost a fair bit of money to produce and need more research to create more efficiently.

7.2. 2) When farming the crops used the fertilisers could harm the environment around the farmland if done incorrectly.

8. Advanteges:

8.1. 1) The planets required to make biofuel are renewable and do not harm the environment and plants don't just have to be farmed for biofuels, it can also be used to be sent to poorer families

8.2. 2) Provides jobs for growing, looking after/ cultivating and harvesting plants.

9. Disadvantages:

9.1. 1) Not many people will agree to change their lifestyle unless forced to and as you are unable to force people to change this it will be difficult to get people to agree

9.2. 2) Not everyone is able to make the change as they may have a dietary restriction or they may have to drive to work as they may live a large distance away so are unable to walk or cycle, etc

10. Advantages:

10.1. 1) By choosing to have less/no meat in your diet then the need for cattle farms lowers and the need to clear forests for agricultural use

10.2. 2) By walking, cycling, etc you are able to save a lot of money on running a car and keeping the maintenance up to date, it can also save a lot on fossil fuels and in turn reduce the amount of emissions

11. Dietary and lifestyle changes

12. Biofuels