The Linguistic Genius of Babies

Linguistic Genius of Babies

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The Linguistic Genius of Babies by Mind Map: The Linguistic Genius of Babies

1. Babies are taking statistics on different languages that they hear

1.1. Statistics are based on the distribution of major sounds used within a language

1.2. Their brains are changed by absorbing the statistics of different languages

1.3. Adults do not absorb the statistics in the way that babies do, they work off of early memories from their critical period

1.4. Studies were done that concluded babies need interaction with human to take statistics of new language

1.4.1. Visual and auditory displays of new language were not effective for babies to take new statistics

2. Bilingual people must keep separate statistics on different languages

2.1. Babies can take statistics on languages that they have never heard before when introduced in the critical period

3. There is a critical period for learning language

3.1. The critical period is from birth to 7 years old

3.1.1. Ability to learn language begins to decline after 7 until hitting the lowest point following puberty in the late teens.

4. Babies can differentiate different sounds from languages spoken world-wide until around 1 year old

4.1. Around 10 months old, babies begin to discriminate sounds in their native languages, rather than others spoken around the world