Transitioning to Israel as Experienced by a Young Adult.

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Transitioning to Israel as Experienced by a Young Adult. by Mind Map: Transitioning to Israel as Experienced by a Young Adult.

1. Growing Up, Whilst Staying in the Comfort Zone

1.1. Numbering all of the reasons why something is not going to work.

1.2. Defining and differentiating between different types of comfort.

2. Future-Oriented

2.1. Considering others (having a family) when projecting expectations into the future)

2.2. Longing to have a family and to be able to offer stability in a place one is familiar with.

2.3. When you are thinking of the future, you need to consider what you want your family to have as well.

3. Yin-Yang

3.1. Having small things in Israel, that remind you of your loved ones back home

3.2. Israel is a place where perspectives changed. Things that before would have never been done, now become possibilities.

3.3. Israel is a place were many previous assumptions changed.

3.4. Having the influence of two different cultures ("to different selves") that complement and balance each other.

3.5. Finding positivity and reasons to stay, as opposed to what is already familiar.

4. Deep Human Connections

4.1. The importance of not being alone and having personal meaningful connections.

4.2. Having something in Israel that reminds you of your loved ones back home.

4.3. The importance of having a strong support system to be able to cope with the difficulties being away from home implies.

5. Analogies

5.1. Finding positivity and reasons to stay, as opposed to what is already familiar.

5.2. Israel is a place where many previous assumptions can change.

5.3. Small elements such as food can cause one to question what you had back home.

5.4. Analogy between what one is used to being treated and how one is treated in Israel.

5.5. Underlying a contrast between something "flowing" or not. The fact that something feels "right" has an effect on decision making.

5.6. Israel is a place where one can let go as opposed to back home.

5.7. Comparing what was liked from back home, and how life in Israel is tough.

6. Seeking for Independence

6.1. Seeking for independence, otherwise having the feeling of missing out on something.

6.2. Independence is unpredictable, not what was expected.

6.3. There are certain specific responsibilities that come along with growing up, being an “adult” also means independence.

6.4. Being seen as the "responsible one" can cause a strive to turn one's life around, in search of a big change.

6.5. Independence is about being "Responsible" for oneself.

7. The Reflective Self

7.1. Introspection into how hard it is for humans and oneself to be alone.

7.2. The responsibilities that being a role model implies.

7.3. Contemplating on how humans are constantly evolving (both individually and socially).

7.4. The role that criticizing the place one comes from plays in how one evolves as a person.

7.5. Analyzing how back home people can be superficial, as opposed to oneself.