Meaningful Conversations & Maps
by Ellen Friedman

1. Toward a Better World
1.1. What is your greatest hope?
1.2. What are our options & opportunities?
1.3. What can you bring?
1.3.1. Resources, Tools, Skills, Knowledge
1.4. What are our priorities?
1.5. What is our strategy?
1.5.1. What are our tactics?
1.5.2. Create strategic action plan
1.6. Better World Map
2. Common Ground
2.1. What are our shared beliefs, principles & values?
2.2. What are our agreements?
2.3. Common Ground Map
3. Reality
3.1. We are here
3.2. Take a long hard look at the reality of the world
3.3. Greatest Sorrow
3.3.1. What breaks your heart the most? What is your greatest sorrow?
3.4. Assess the systemic situation
3.4.1. Local, regional, national, global