1.1. Rule: Harmful or offensive touching must be caused but D's act (direct) or force the act sets in motion (indirect)--causation element satisfied if D's act directly or indirectly results in the injury.
2. General Rule: A harmful or offensive touching (direct or indirect) with P's person, caused by D with the required intent.
3.1. Rule: D
3.1.1. Desires to cause the touching (Actual D not reasonable person test) or
3.1.2. Believed that a touching was substantially certain to result from P's act. (Actual D not reasonable person test)
3.2. Transfer Doctrine Applies
3.2.1. Across Classic Intentional Torts
3.2.2. Across Persons
3.3. Motive Immaterial; see Damages for More on Motives
4.1. Rule: D's act resulted in actual harmful or offensive touching of P.
4.1.1. Harmful Touching: touching that causes injuries, disfigurement, impairment, or pain to any bodily organ or function.
4.1.2. Offensive Touching: touching that offends a reasonable person's sense of dignity. Hypersensitivity Rule: Touching that would not cause a reasonable person to take offense, but at which the plaintiff does take offense, is not suffiecent for battery unless D new of the sensitivity and proceeded anyway.
4.1.3. P does not need to be aware of the touching at the time thereof.
5. ACT
5.1. Rule: External manifestation of P's will.
5.1.1. Unconscious Acts Insufficient
5.1.2. Reflexive Acts Insufficient
5.1.3. Incompetents Rule: Persons who are not legally competent are still capable of volitional acts. EXAM TIP: Children and mental incompentents will be held liable for their intentional torts.