Accounting - brainstorm

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Accounting - brainstorm by Mind Map: Accounting - brainstorm

1. Trengo: social messaging en appen

1.1. Social messaging

1.1.1. E-mail

1.1.2. Chatten

1.1.3. Voice (bellen)

1.1.4. SMS

1.1.5. Chatbox

2. Aankoop

2.1. Online invoices

3. Voorraad

3.1. Automatisering voorraadbeheer

4. Betaling

5. Tools, accounting apps

5.1. Freshbooks

5.2. Sage accounting

5.3. Tsheets

6. Automation

7. mobiel boekhouden

8. kantoorbus

9. big data

10. nev vision of value

11. ZZP boekhouding

12. cloud computing

13. corporate performance management en dashboards

14. apps

15. Saas Accounting

16. Zoho

16.1. Financiën

16.2. Cashflow

17. Cloud accounting

18. Collaborative accounting

19. Automation

20. Outsourcing

21. Social media strategy

22. Mobile computing

23. Blockchain