Soils and Plants

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Soils and Plants by Mind Map: Soils and Plants

1. Soil In Oman

1.1. farmers add clay + loam = nutrients

1.2. imported plants grow if they like sandy soil

1.2.1. otherwise farmer chng soil

2. Soil Composition Experiment

2.1. Equipment list: 1. Mixed Soil 2: funnel 3: bottle half full of water

2.2. Method: 1:soil poured through funnel into bottle 2: Bot top covered 3: mixture shaken

2.3. Results: particles settle according to size ; heavy at bottom,, lighter on top

3. 3 types

3.1. sandy

3.1.1. allows water through , big particles

3.2. clay

3.2.1. water through coz. small particles, close, brown

3.3. loam

3.3.1. mix of sand, clay and humus (decomposed material)

4. Plant growth

4.1. Diff soils give diff amounts of :

4.1.1. air

4.1.2. water E.g Rice needs lots of water

4.1.3. nutrients