Unit 4 : Marcus Randall/Justice Allen

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Unit 4 : Marcus Randall/Justice Allen por Mind Map: Unit 4 : Marcus Randall/Justice Allen

1. affable

1.1. courteous and pleasant

1.1.1. genial,amicable,cordial

1.1.2. surly, dour

2. aggrandize

2.1. to increase in greatness ,power,or wealth. to bulid up or intensify

2.1.1. augment, amplify, enhance,exalt

2.1.2. reduce, decrease

3. amorphous

3.1. shapeless,without definite form

3.1.1. formless, unstructured

3.1.2. definite, clear-cut

4. aura

4.1. that which surrounds

4.1.1. ambience, atmosphere

5. contraband

5.1. illegal traffic, smuggled goods

5.1.1. illicit, bootleg, unlawful

5.1.2. legal, lawful, licit

6. erudite

6.1. scholarly, learned, bookish

6.1.1. profoundly, well-read

6.1.2. ignorant, uneducated

7. infer

7.1. to find out by reasoning

7.1.1. gather, deduce

8. inscrutable

8.1. incapable of being understood

8.1.1. impenetrable, enigmatic

8.1.2. comprehensible, penetrable

9. insular

9.1. relating to

9.1.1. narrow-minded

9.1.2. liberal

10. gossamer

10.1. thin,light

10.1.1. filmy, sheer

10.1.2. thick, dense

11. irrevocable

11.1. incapable of being changed or called back

11.1.1. irreversible, unrecallable, unalterable

11.1.2. reversable, changeable

12. propensity

12.1. a natural inclination

12.1.1. natural bent, proclivity, penchant

12.1.2. natural incapacity, inability

13. querelous

13.1. peevish, complaining, fretful

13.1.1. petulant, touchy, cranky, irritable

13.1.2. uncomplaining, stocial, serene, placid

14. remonstrate

14.1. to argue or plead with someone against something

14.1.1. reason against, expostulate

15. repudiate

15.1. to disown, reject, or deny the validity of

15.1.1. disavow, abjure

15.1.2. avow, affirm

16. resilient

16.1. able to return to an original shape or form

16.1.1. springy, elastic

16.1.2. rigid,stiff

17. reverberate

17.1. to re-echo, resound;to reflect

17.1.1. rumble, thnunder

18. scurrilous

18.1. coarselyabusive, vulgar or low

18.1.1. obsene, filthy

18.1.2. seemly, tasteful

19. sedulous

19.1. persistent,showing industry and determination

19.1.1. assiduous, tireless

19.1.2. lackadasical, listless, indolent, otiose

20. sleazy

20.1. thin, flimsy or cheap in texture

20.1.1. inferior, cheesy

20.1.2. superior, first-rate