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ASSURE Lesson Plan by Mind Map: ASSURE Lesson Plan

1. Strategies

1.1. Teacher centered: think aloud and model

1.2. Student centered: KWLH chart

2. Technology and Media

2.1. Video - Why citations are important, how to cite sources

3. Materials

3.1. Basic Graphic Organizer - Print Source

3.2. Basic Graphic Organizer - Web Resource

3.3. KWLH Chart

3.4. Rubric

3.5. Sentence Stems for Lesson

3.6. Checklist

4. Utilize Materials

4.1. Preview Technology and Media

4.1.1. Educators watch videos, complete organizers

4.2. Prepare Technology and Media

4.2.1. Graphic organizers, checklist, rubric, sentence stems

4.3. Prepare the Environment

4.3.1. Will take place in the library

4.4. Prepare Learners

4.4.1. Go over objectives

4.4.2. Lead class discussion to activate prior knowledge

4.5. Provide the Learning Experience

4.5.1. KWLH chart, watch video, class discussion, small group discussion, complete graphic organizers and in pairs, review rubric and checklist.

5. Required Learner Participation

5.1. Student Practice Activities

5.2. Feedback

6. Objectives

6.1. Why is it important to cite

6.2. How to cite using graphic organizer and Easybib

6.3. Compare citing print and Web sources

6.4. Reflect through KWLH

7. Analyze Learners

7.1. General Characteristics: 9th grade ELLs, lower income, Spanish speaking homes

7.2. Early Competencies

7.2.1. Create Word documents

7.2.2. Navigate internet

7.2.3. Need linguistic accommodations

7.3. Learning Styles

7.3.1. Small group

7.3.2. computer incorportated

8. State and National Standards

8.1. TEKS: ELA I and Desktop Publishing

8.2. S4L: Respect Copyright

8.3. ISTE NETS*S: Ethically use info

9. Evaluate and Revise

9.1. Assessment of Learner Achievement

9.2. Evaluation of Strategies, Technology and Media

9.3. Revision