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Biomes by Mind Map: Biomes

1. Desert Biome

1.1. The desert biome is an ecosystem that forms due to the low level of rainfall it receives each year.

2. Ice Biome

2.1. Polar ice caps and vast expanses of area made or covered in/of ice.

3. Alpine Tundra Biome

3.1. Tundra is the coldest of all the biomes and has frost-moulded landscapes, extremely low temperatures, little precipitation, poor nutrients, and short growing seasons.

4. Freshwater Biome

4.1. Ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, and even some wetlands are all types of freshwater biomes as they all have less than 1 percent of saltwater in them.

5. Tropical Rain forest Biome

5.1. A tropical woodland with a high annual rainfall and covered lofty broad-leaved evergreen trees forming a continuous canopy.

6. Marine Biome

6.1. The marine biome is the biggest as it consists of 70 percent of the world and basically anything in the sea or ocean is in this biome.