Freckle- Computer Assisted Adaptive Mathematics Practice. Students will utilize the Freckle mathe...

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Freckle- Computer Assisted Adaptive Mathematics Practice. Students will utilize the Freckle mathematics application as a supplemental learning tool to aid in multiplication problem practice. by Mind Map: Freckle- Computer Assisted Adaptive Mathematics Practice. Students will utilize the Freckle mathematics application as a supplemental learning tool to aid in multiplication problem practice.

1. Assessments

1.1. Benchmark Assessment

1.1.1. Summative used after a learning unit to assess mastery

1.2. Pre-Tests for each domain

1.3. Targeted Practice Assessment

1.3.1. Data-driven learning

1.3.2. Formative used during the learning to track progress helps teachers determine what lessons need to be taught & re-taught in the classroom

1.4. Used to inform parents on their child's progress; also to give them ideas on what to work on at home

1.5. Differentiated for each learner Ex) Choice Menus

2. Learning Goals

2.1. Students will be able to multiply single digit whole numbers by up to 4 digit numbers

2.1.1. 1 digit by 1 digit

2.1.2. multiples of 10, 100, 1000 using strategies of place value and order of operations

2.1.3. Multiply using area model

2.2. Students will be able to multiply 2 digit by 2 digit numbers

2.2.1. Illustrate using arrays, rectangular models, or equations.

2.3. Students will be able to demonstrate use Multiplication within 100

2.3.1. Using algebraic concepts

2.3.2. Two step word problems using unknowns

2.3.3. Using arrays, measurement quantities, and equal groups

2.4. Demonstrate Fluency of Multiplying Basic Fact with Whole Numbers

3. Teacher Roles

3.1. Create Freckle Class

3.1.1. Import Class Roster

3.1.2. Share Student Log-in Code

3.2. Discover Students' Current Levels

3.2.1. Administer Pretest Analyze Pretest data

3.3. Assign Activities

3.3.1. Assign Adaptive Activities

3.3.2. Assign Targeted Activities

3.4. Monitor Student Progress

3.4.1. Monitor Student Activity Feed

3.4.2. Monitor Real-Time Classroom

4. 4th Grade Division

4.1. Sharing with equal groups

4.1.1. Size of Group

4.1.2. Number of Groups

4.2. Unknowns

4.2.1. Balance modeling

4.2.2. Substitute values

4.3. Concepts

4.3.1. Repeat Subtraction

4.4. Properties

4.4.1. Identity Property

5. Learning Activities

5.1. Adaptive Practice

5.1.1. Adjusted Questioning in Real-Time

5.2. Fact Practice

5.2.1. Basic Operations

5.2.2. Integer Operations

5.3. Number Fact Practice

5.4. Supplemental Practice. Extension of Overarching Math Curriculum

5.4.1. Small Group

5.4.2. Independent Practice

5.4.3. Inquiry Based Lessons Students explore math standards and build critical thinking skills through fun, real-world challenges. Ex) “How can we effectively support the Food Bank for Central & Northeast Missouri in our community?” gives students the opportunity to apply math concepts in the real world when they organize and execute a fundraising campaign because they must count funds, estimate costs, and determine profits. Teacher Guided Instruction

6. 4th Grace Multiplication

6.1. Visual Models

6.1.1. Arrays

6.1.2. Equal Groups Size of Group Number of Groups

6.2. Area

6.2.1. Length

6.2.2. Width

6.2.3. Tiling

6.3. Unkinowns

6.3.1. Balance modeling

6.3.2. Substitute Values

6.4. Concepts

6.4.1. Repeat addition

6.4.2. Comparisons

6.5. Properties

6.5.1. Commutative Property

6.5.2. Associative Property

6.5.3. Zero Property

6.5.4. Identity Property