Education for change PAULO FREIRE

Paulo Freire's education ideology greatly influences adult education and civic education today

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Education for change PAULO FREIRE by Mind Map: Education for change PAULO FREIRE

1. True freedom

1.1. Equality

1.2. Equal access

1.3. Fair treatment

2. Education

2.1. banking concept

2.2. problematizing

2.2.1. problem posing

2.2.2. critical consciousness

2.2.3. Dialogue

2.2.4. Participation

2.2.5. Praxis

3. Social Injustice

3.1. Inequity

3.2. Inequality

3.3. Exploitation

3.4. Corruption

3.5. Structural imbalances

3.6. Poverty

3.7. Elitism

4. Consciousness

4.1. Critical thinking

4.2. Social awareness