Artículos A / AN The indefini...

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Artículos A / AN The indefinite article serves to indicate an individual or element of any class, species or gender without particularizing it. by Mind Map: Artículos A / AN                                                                     The indefinite article serves to indicate an individual or element of any class, species or gender without particularizing it.

1. Use "a" in front of a noun that begins with a consonant.

2. Examples:

3. A book

4. A man

5. A game

6. exceptions: there are words that start with a vowel but the first SOUND of the word is a consonant sound.

7. Examples:

8. A university

9. A unicorn

10. Aprende a diferenciar fácilmente A de AN con estos ejemplos - Muy fácil

11. Use"an" is used in front of a noun that begins with a vocal sound.

12. Examples:

13. A orange

14. An apple

15. An eraser

16. exceptions: there are words that start with a consonant but the first SOUND of the word is a vocal sound

17. Examples:

18. An hour

19. An honor