Complexity Components that affect Inclusive Classrooms

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Complexity Components that affect Inclusive Classrooms by Mind Map: Complexity Components that affect Inclusive Classrooms

1. Students

1.1. Age

1.2. Friendships

1.3. Amount/ Ratio

1.4. Cultures

2. Physical Activty

2.1. Lack of physical Activity

2.1.1. Negative behaviours

2.1.2. Decreased Academic Performance

2.2. Increased Academic Performance

2.3. Increased confidence

2.4. Increased Positive Mental Heatlh

3. Exceptionalities

3.1. IEP's

3.2. Language Barriers

3.3. Behavioural Challenges

4. Classroom Environment

4.1. Portable

4.2. Clutter/ Organization

4.3. Decorative/ Simple

4.4. Alternative/ Assigned Seating

4.5. Rules and Routines

5. School Community

5.1. Small

5.2. Large

5.3. Involved/ Less involved

5.4. Supportive

5.5. Public/ Catholic/ Private

6. Resources and Funding

6.1. Books

6.2. Clubs and Sports

6.3. Technology

6.4. Manipulatives

6.5. EA and support

7. Teachers/ Staff

7.1. Education

7.2. Age

7.3. Gender

7.4. Cooperation

7.5. Classroom Ratios

7.6. Rapport with students

7.7. Mental Health