types of reliability and validity in testing

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types of reliability and validity in testing by Mind Map: types of  reliability and validity in testing

1. Test - Retest or Stability

1.1. test is given twice: correlation between the first set of scores and the second is determined.

2. alternate forms

2.1. Used to obtain an estimate of the reliability of the scores from the test

3. Internal Consistency

3.1. measures a single basic concept and assumes that test - takers that get one test item correct, they will get similiar items correct

4. Content Validity Evidence

4.1. Test items should match or measure the instructional objectives

5. Concurrent Criterion - Related Validity Evidence

5.1. measures that can be administered at the same time as the measure to be validated

6. Predictive Validity Evidence

6.1. refers to how well the test predicts future behavior of the examiners

7. Construct Validity Evidence

7.1. a new test or shorter test has to concur with with a older standard test pertaining to ranking of students.