Behavior, signs and symptoms responsive to the SSP

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Behavior, signs and symptoms responsive to the SSP by Mind Map: Behavior, signs and symptoms responsive to the SSP

1. Movement Disorders

1.1. Reflex unintegration

1.1.1. Primative reflexes Palmar reflex Rooting reflex Babinski reflex Palmomental reflex

2. Bowel and Bladder Function

2.1. Digestive

2.1.1. PANDAs

2.1.2. Chrohn’s disease Pans

2.1.3. Stomach emptying disorders/digrstive

2.2. Toileting problems

2.2.1. Enuresis

2.2.2. Constipation

3. Autoimmune disorders

3.1. Psoriasis

3.2. Shogrens

3.2.1. Fibromyalgia

3.3. Allergies

4. Parkinson ‘s

5. Aging

5.1. Senescence

6. Green Light

7. Speech/language

7.1. Apraxia

7.2. CAPD

8. Hyper-reactivity/Anxiety

8.1. Meltdowns

8.2. Flashbacks

8.3. Impulsivity

8.4. High Startle

9. Organ systems and physiological rhythms

9.1. Sleep disruption

9.2. Chronic Pain

10. Interpersonal relating disturbane

10.1. Aggressive

10.2. Intrusive

10.3. Lack of reciprocity

11. Posture/Movement

11.1. Trauma injury sequela

12. Headbanging

13. Oral/eating

13.1. Frustration

14. Demand aversion

15. Sel injury

16. Dislikes sharing

17. Flat tone

18. Headbanging

19. Impulse control

20. Avoidant

21. Visual/occulomotor

21.1. Strabismus

22. Skin/tactile

23. NC

24. Attachment style/defense pattern

24.1. Avoidant

24.2. Anxious/preoccupied

25. Auditory processing disorder ASD

26. Memory and focus

26.1. Attention

27. Aggression, physical signs of agitation

27.1. Constricted/ flat affect

28. Sensory Disturbance

29. Relationship to self disturbance/self injury

29.1. Hair pulling

29.2. Food restriction

29.3. Cutting

29.3.1. Controlled/rigid facial muscles

29.4. Repetitive movements/self stim

29.4.1. PICA

29.4.2. Hand flapping

29.4.3. Rocking