Poverty & Low Income:

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Poverty & Low Income: by Mind Map: Poverty & Low Income:

1. People with Disabilities

1.1. Systemic Changes

1.1.1. Enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

1.1.2. Systematic Educational Mandatory Training for ADA

1.1.3. Awareness for Discrimination of Disabilities with "Can Do" and not demean their skills

1.1.4. Provide Funding for Housing, Education, Employment to assist in the cost of equipment needed for accomadations

1.1.5. Policies to Protect Caregivers and Care Facilities in order to keep them in business to prevent homelessness.

1.2. Housing

1.2.1. Increase Affordable Options

1.2.2. Provide Financial Incentives

1.2.3. Housing equipped to accommodate to needs to disabilites

1.3. Employment

1.3.1. Equal Opportunity to Trainings

1.3.2. Provide On-site Job Shadowing

1.3.3. Provide Proper Accommodations for Equal Access to Work Place

1.4. Education

1.4.1. Provide Opportunities for Competitive Employment

1.4.2. Allocations for funding on Education and Services for Success

2. People of Color

2.1. Housing

2.1.1. Improve Access to Home Loans

2.1.2. Eliminate Redlining

2.2. Employment

2.2.1. Provide Better Education Opportunities

2.2.2. Fair wages

2.2.3. Fair hiring practices

2.3. Systemic Changes

2.3.1. Eliminate the historical and current damage that the War on Drugs caused

2.3.2. Eliminate "Colorblind Racism"

2.3.3. Impeach Donald Trump

3. Existing Social Welfare Programs

3.1. Food Security

3.1.1. EBT

3.1.2. WIC

3.2. Housing Security

3.2.1. Public Housing Projects

3.3. Healthcare Security

3.3.1. Affordable Care Act

3.3.2. Medicare

3.3.3. COBRA

3.3.4. CHIP

3.4. Income Security

3.4.1. Unemployment

3.4.2. TANF

3.4.3. Social Security Income

3.4.4. Disability (Social Security Disability Income)

3.5. Child Care

3.5.1. Head Start and Early Head Start

3.5.2. Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit

3.5.3. Pre-K

3.5.4. Child Care Subsidies

3.6. Workforce Development/Employment Assistance

3.6.1. FAFSA

3.6.2. Vocational Rehabilitation

3.6.3. JOBS Program (for adults on TANF)

3.6.4. Independent Living Program (ILP)

3.7. Child care

3.7.1. Employment Related Day Care Program (ERDC)

3.7.2. Child and Dependent Tax Credit

4. Assignment: Map options for improving the wellbeing of those in poverty and low income, with additional sections for women, immigrants, those with disabilities, and people of color

5. Dismantle White Supremacy, Colonialism, Heterosexism, and The Patriarchy

5.1. After this is done, basically all other problems solved

6. Women

6.1. Gender Specific opportunities

6.1.1. Education

6.1.2. Trade/Skills/Job

6.2. Domestic Violence Resources

6.2.1. Shelters

6.2.2. Therapy

6.2.3. Education/Employment Opportunities

6.2.4. Legal Assiatance

6.3. Child Care

6.3.1. Affordable Options

6.3.2. Paid Leave for Women

6.3.3. Affordable Pre-School

6.4. Reproductive Health

6.4.1. Affordable Birth Control

6.4.2. Access to Care

7. Immigrants

7.1. Culturally specific resources on understanding financial systems

7.2. Increase Citizenship for Non-white Immigrants

7.2.1. Legal Assistance

7.3. Improve Labor Practices

7.4. Increase Social Welfare Programs to Non-Citizens

7.5. Refugee Cash Assitance

7.6. Many services in Exisiting Social Welfare Programs are not available to non-citizens

8. Progressive Solutions

8.1. Universal Healthcare

8.2. Universal Basic Income

8.3. Rent Control/Rent Limitations

8.3.1. Free Housing

8.4. Free College/Trade Skills Training Programs

8.5. Wealth Redistribution

8.5.1. Caps on CEO salaries

8.5.2. Proper National Minimum Wage

8.5.3. Enforcement of estate taxes

8.5.4. Highest earners = highest taxes

8.5.5. Create Good Jobs

8.5.6. Invest in the US Safety Net