Economic Systems Mind Map

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Economic Systems Mind Map by Mind Map: Economic Systems Mind Map

1. Capitalism – Capitalism can be compared to freedom of speech and an individual being able to grow personally without restrictions. Under a capitalistic economy you able to own property, own businesses, own the profit and gain from owning businesses, and being able to motivate workers with incentives to work harder to gain profit for the business as well as the workers gain as well. In a capitalist country there is also freedom to work and live as one should would like.

1.1. Naomi lives in a country governed by Capitalism. She is free to practice any religion, free of speech, and she can attend any school he would like to benefit him. Naomi may also open his own business and keep the profit she earns from working hard. She is able to hire workers for her company and motivate them with incentives to work harder.

1.1.1. Even though a capitalistic government may sound great to live under there are still some downfalls as in any economy. When the wealthy obtain business and build profit, they may become greedy and there becomes inequality on how they treat those who are not wealthy. The government may even help those in need, but the poor may still feel as though they are not being treated fairly.

2. Mixed Economies – Mixed economies are a mix of two of the main three economic systems, such as capitalism, socialism and communism. Governments who take on this sort of ruling try to weigh the two out to best fit the needs of their people and themselves as well.

2.1. Caroline lives under a mixed economy government ruling. She is able to work where she pleases, but she is taxed at a high cost for making a good income. She is able to have freedom of speech but she is told who she must have in her office as a president and does not get to vote. She can live where she pleases, but is told what kind of house she may stay in. This would be a mix of capitalism and communism is her country.

3. Communism – Communism is best described when a government takes total control of the country. It has control over speech, religion, where people work, how much they make, what is offered in the market place for the communities under the government and owns rights to all businesses as well. There is no equality in communistic countries at all.

3.1. Martin lives under a communist ruling in the country he lives in. He must work at a business owned by the government, and will not be able to take home all the profit of her hard work. He is told what to wear, what to eat, where she can live, and for how long. Lisa can only practice the religion allowed by her country and does not have freedom of speech.

3.1.1. The down fall of communism can be listed in many ways. There people under a communist government do not feel the freedom among them. They do not gain any benefits and often struggle to survive in this kind of economy. The government often thinks this kind of economy brings equality among their people, but some may think otherwise. In some instances the government is very selfish to rule their people under this ruling.

4. Socialism – Socialism can best be described as equality among all who are under this ruling. Equality is gained through socialism by taxing the rich or wealthy and taking those taxes and using them to benefit the less fortunate or poor. This government also has control over healthcare, utilities, transportation, media and some goods.

4.1. Hector lives under a socialistic ruling in his country. He is currently a doctor in his country, but his government takes away a lot of his earnings by taxing him heavily. Mario lives in the same country as Hector but is a farmer. He is not taxed the same as Hector and is receiving free healthcare from his government and other benefits. Hector does not think it is fair that his works just as hard as Mario but cannot reap the benefits due to the socialism. Hector and Mario have the same utility companies due to the government being in charge of this, and both go to the same dealerships because the government rules this as well.

4.1.1. Countries who adapt to Socialism, usually are trying to gain a sense of equality across their country. If everyone is treated the same, there will be less problems. This is not at all true. This does cause conflict because some do not feel they are treated fair if they are all treated the same.