2. Philosophy and curriculum design

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2. Philosophy and curriculum design by Mind Map: 2. Philosophy and curriculum design

1. Every curriculum planner must confront and answer some questions about the purpose and organization of schooling

1.1. McNeil (2005)

2. Critical questions to be answered

3. The struggle to be a decisive leader

3.1. Part of the problem with discussing educational philosophies in earnest has been the pervasiveness

3.1.1. Examine own attitudes

4. Determinants of an educational philosophy

4.1. Major philosophies of life and education have been defined by:

4.1.1. What is good? - axiology

4.1.2. What is true? - epistemology

4.1.3. What is real? - ontology

5. Philosophy and curriculum design

5.1. A philosophy was a general theory of educating.

5.1.1. Philosophies can help to: Suggest purpose in education, suggest the format for instructional delivery and organize evaluation activities

6. The search for a philosophical attitude

6.1. The concept of schools as the assimilator of diverse cultures, has contributed to the "general" nature of public school curriculum

6.1.1. The absence of educational specificity in school programs has result in the lack of strong curriculum leadership

7. Five educational philosophies

7.1. Perennialism

7.1.1. Conservative, traditional and structured They believe education is constant Reality is a world of reason

7.2. Idealismo

7.2.1. Su filosofía es la sabiduría Es una realidad La realidad se ve como un mundo dentro de la mente de una persona y en la coherencia de sus ideas

7.3. Realism

7.3.1. "El mundo es como es"

7.4. Experimentalism

7.4.1. "El mundo esta en constante cambio" La realidad se experimenta en todo momento La indagación y la consulta tienen que estar presentes en la forma de enseñanza

7.5. Existentialism

7.5.1. Ve al mundo en temas de subjetivacion personal Bondad, verdad y realidad se definen individualmente La escuela ayuda a conocerse a si mismo