Dental Caries

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Dental Caries by Mind Map: Dental Caries

1. Secondary Factors

1.1. oral hygiene

1.2. Malnutrition

1.3. Age

1.4. Hormones

1.5. General Health

1.6. Income

1.7. Education

1.8. Lifestyle habits

2. Localized microbial disease ( chronic , dynamic, multifactorial)

3. Dental plaque ( BIOFILM)

3.1. Acquired enamel pellicle ( 1st )

3.2. colonization ( 2nd )

3.2.1. pioneer

3.2.2. intermedite community

3.2.3. complex

4. Enamel caries

4.1. Initiation

4.2. Bacterial invasion

4.3. Destruction

4.4. 2nd caries

5. Dentin Caries

5.1. Infected

5.2. Uninfected

5.3. Destruction zone

6. Primary Factors

6.1. Susceptable Tooth

6.1.1. Morphology

6.1.2. position

6.1.3. structure

6.1.4. fluroide

6.1.5. genetic factors

6.2. Fermentable carbohydrates

6.2.1. Types Mono DI Poly

6.2.2. Total amount of intake

6.2.3. frequency ( between meals)

6.2.4. local effect

6.2.5. Refinement

6.2.6. Texture (sticky)

6.3. Cariogenic Bacteria ( streptococcus mutans)

6.3.1. Acidogenic

6.3.2. Acidouric

6.3.3. Adhesin

6.3.4. Intra/ Extrapolysaccahride production ( Amylopectin + Dextran)

6.3.5. Active Transport

6.4. Time

6.5. Dental plaque

7. Site

7.1. Pit / fissure

7.2. Smooth Surface

7.3. Root