OCS Inventory serverio saugumas

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OCS Inventory serverio saugumas by Mind Map: OCS Inventory serverio saugumas

1. kjhkj

2. Novo nó

2.1. Novo nó

2.2. "Don't hate ... Automate!"

3. Firewall

3.1. Rules

3.1.1. drag & drop

3.2. Charting

3.3. Functions defined are accessible in your google docs documents

3.3.1. eg spreadsheet

3.4. web-based code editor

4. lkj

4.1. pol

5. Automates repetitice high-load tasks with Google Apps

6. Can also use external services

6.1. URL fetch

6.2. JDBC

6.3. SOAP

6.4. Data in JSON/XML

7. Supports many google products

7.1. eg

8. About

8.1. Ryan Boyd

8.1.1. dev rel

8.1.2. @ryguyrg

9. What is

9.1. JS engine on the cloud

9.1.1. integrates with Google services

9.2. comes with

9.2.1. common JS libraries

9.2.2. Built-in access to google api's

10. Motivation

11. Intended also for non-developers

11.1. IT staff

12. demo

12.1. translate

12.1.1. open google docs text document

12.1.2. translate a sentence to an array of languages

12.1.3. append the translations to the document

12.1.4. save the document

12.2. financial services & currency exchange

12.3. gmail snooz

12.4. calculate actors distance digrees from Kevin Bacon

12.4.1. external API

12.4.2. used in the spreadsheet

12.5. mail merge a letter with form submissions, while also translating it to french

13. triggers

13.1. event-driven

13.1.1. events per app

13.2. time-driven

13.2.1. cron like

14. customer use-case

14.1. WebShed

14.1.1. Job hunting incoming resume's automated workflow

14.1.2. submitting resumes uploaded to google docs

14.1.3. extracting emails

14.1.4. allowing manual classification in a spreadsheet

14.1.5. emails sent according to the classification

14.1.6. interviews scheduled in calendar & communicated

14.1.7. increased productivity a lot

15. Antivirus