SWE.3 Software Detailed Design and Unit Construction

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SWE.3 Software Detailed Design and Unit Construction por Mind Map: SWE.3 Software Detailed Design and Unit Construction

1. Purpose: The purpose of the Software Detailed Design and Unit Construction Process is to provide an evaluated detailed design for the software components and to specify and to produce the software units.

1.1. SWE.3.BP1: Develop software detailed design

1.1.1. Develop Detailed Design for all Software components for which the unit will be developed. Define Interfaces - Input and Output interms of error signals, controller output, Logics and conditions, Data types - Fixed point or Floating Model includes double integer / fixed point and State flow for scheduler / tasks and how the component behaves for time based conditions

1.1.2. Deliverables: Software Detailed Design

1.2. SWE.3.BP2: Define interfaces of software units.

1.2.1. As stated above. Compliance to MAAB guidelines for MBD and MISRA 2012 compliance to be ensured in case of Model Base Design.

1.2.2. Outcomes: Software Detailed Design

1.3. SWE.3.BP3: Describe dynamic behavior.

1.3.1. State flow to explain on the how the component behaves for time based conditions with different inputs - Operating states Wakeup, Power-On , Sleep state etc..

1.3.2. Outcomes: Software Detailed Design

1.4. SWE.3.BP4: Evaluate software detailed design.

1.4.1. Analyze and Evaluate the Design for interoperability (Bootloader version compatability), complexity and testability

1.4.2. Outcomes: Software Detailed Design, Review record, Traceability record

1.5. SWE.3.BP5: Establish bidirectional traceability

1.5.1. Traceability between Software Requirements and SWAD with and Software DD

1.5.2. Outcomes: Traceability record, Review record

1.6. SWE.3.BP6: Ensure consistency

1.6.1. Traceability between Software Requirements and SWAD with and Software DD

1.6.2. Review of the SWDD

1.6.3. Outcomes: Traceability record and Review record

1.7. SWE.3.BP7: Communicate agreed software detailed design

1.7.1. Communicate the SWDD to all stakeholders

1.7.2. Outcomes: Communication record

1.8. SWE.3.BP8: Develop software units

1.8.1. Write Code based on design - .C files and . Header files

1.8.2. For MBD - generate Model Analysis report - Analyze for MAAB compliance, code coverage and MISRA 2012 coverage before Autocode generation. For Manual design perform QAC to verify compliance to MISRA 2012

1.8.3. Outcomes: Software Units