My first mind map

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TVL-HE-D by Mind Map: TVL-HE-D

1. Research

1.1. Thesis

1.2. Survey

2. E-tech

2.1. Certificate

2.2. Google Drive

2.3. Gmail

2.4. Blog

2.5. Typing Master

2.6. Name List

2.7. Mind Mapping

3. Science

3.1. Space and Time

3.2. Blood Typing

3.3. Laboratory

4. P.E

4.1. Reporting

4.2. Board Games

4.3. Laro ng Lahi

5. Bible

5.1. Poster Slogan

5.2. Scrapbook

6. Business

6.1. Business Plan

6.2. Bazaar

7. Cookery

7.1. Cooking

7.2. Baking

7.3. Basic at Galance

7.4. Tools & Equipment

8. Immersion

8.1. Scrapbook

8.2. Documents

8.3. Portfolio

8.4. Catering

8.5. Journal

8.6. Convention