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Tenosynovitis by Mind Map: Tenosynovitis

1. Labs:

1.1. Na: 142

1.2. Cl: 101

1.3. BUN: 18

1.4. K: 3.9

1.5. Creatinine: 0.9

1.6. Glucose: 145

1.7. WBC: 8.9

1.8. HGB: 12.4

1.9. HCT: 37.6

1.10. Plt: 213

2. Medications:

2.1. bupivacaine: local anesthesia

2.2. ceftTRIAXone: treatment of infection

2.3. cholestyramine: management of hypercholesterol

2.4. cloNIDine: mild-moderate HTN

2.5. colesevelam: reduction of LDL

2.6. enoxaprin: prevention of DVT / PE

2.7. hhydeochlorothiazide: mild-moderate HTN

2.8. indomethacin: OA & pain

2.9. levothyroxine: hypothyroidism

2.10. nebivolol: HTN

2.11. ordansteron: prevention of nausea & vomit

2.12. pantoprazole: GERD

2.13. rosuvastatin: hypercholestermia

2.14. vancomycin: treatment of infection

3. Medical Hx:

3.1. Hypertension

3.2. NIDDM (type 2 diabetes)

3.3. Hyperlipidemia

3.4. Hyptohyroid

3.5. Osteoarthritis of hands and multiple joints

4. Nursing Diagnosis #1: Acute pain

4.1. Intervention #1: Administer pain medication when needed

4.2. Intervention #2: Use heating compress

4.3. Intervention #3: Adjust hand to ensure proper placement in molding / brace

5. Nursing Diagnosis #2: Risk for Infection

5.1. Intervention #1: Ensure clean or sterile technique when cleaning wound

5.2. Intervention #2: Follow surgeon orders in regards to cleaning method

5.3. Intervention #3: Give pt. vancomycin for infection

6. Nursing Diagnosis #3: Impaired skin integrity

6.1. Intervention #1: Ensure proper wound drainage is taken care of

6.2. Intervention #2: Have pt. move every 2 hours

6.3. Intervention #3: Put on medication cream if skin becomes raw

7. Subjective assessment: Pt has no history of smoking, no stated family history of any cancer, pt. stated having a knee replacement surgery

8. Objective assessment:

8.1. Vitals:

8.1.1. 98.1 oral termperature

8.1.2. 50 BPM

8.1.3. 135/62 HR

8.1.4. 16BPM

8.1.5. Pain: 6/10

8.2. 180 lB

8.3. 5’5”

8.4. Assessment: Dry, cracked hands. Skin intact w/ normal coloration. Numbness in left thumb. Breathing not labored, clear, normal sounds. Neuro: WNL. Orientated X4. LOC = 0. Capillary refill less than 2 seconds.