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My network by Mind Map: My network

1. My Dad's friend- She publishes books so I could go learn the process

1.1. Publishers

2. My mom- She's hired a lot of people and can help prep me for an interview.

3. My Aunt- She knows a lot about how to present professionally

4. My friends- they might know places hiring

5. My dance teachers- They can let me know of productions going on that might need dancers

5.1. Dance teacher

6. I could go around to a few of the bakeries and see if they're hiring or have any classes i could take

6.1. Baker

7. I could see if there's any writing classes around ( at the campus and so on)

8. My councillors- they might know of job shadows and places hiring

9. My Cousin who works at the mall- She can keep her eye out for place's hring there.

10. My dad- He has a lot of tech exsperence.

11. My Dad's friend who is in to directing- He could let me know of film things going on around town

12. I could go to the bookstore around town and see if they're hiring

13. I could see if there's any acting classes around

14. I could take a look for dancing classes and get more familiar with the different dance company

15. My Friends at other schools- they can let me know of things going on in their areas