Theoretical Perspectives
by Tashairra Mckenzie
1. Behaviorist:Skinner is the theorist that is associated with behaviorist. It emphasizes the role of nuture and considers learning to occur based on the stimulil responses, and reinforcement that occur in the environment.
2. Nativist:Noam Chonasky is the theorist that is associated with the nativist emphasizes inborn or inrate human capabilities (nature) as being responsible for language development. All people inherently have the capacity to aquire language due to cognitive.
3. Cognitive: Piaget is the theorist that is associated with cognitive perspective language is acquired as matuuration occurs and cognitive competencies develop cognitive developmental perspective assumes that cognitive development is a foundation for language learning.
4. Interactionst:Vygotsky is the theorist that is associated with interactionst. Interactionist focuses on the primary role of sociocultural interaction in children development of language children acquire language through their attempts to communicate with the world around them.