Levels or Organization for Living Things

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Levels or Organization for Living Things by Mind Map: Levels or Organization for Living Things

1. 6. Tissues

1.1. Tissues are in your organs

1.1.1. ex. in your heart

2. 7. Organs

2.1. The parts of your body that keep you healthy

3. 8. Organ system

3.1. The way the organs work together in your body

4. 9. Organism

4.1. An organism is something that is made of matter

4.1.1. ex. a living organism is a plant, animal, or human

5. 1. Atom

5.1. The smallest unit of matter

6. 2. Molecule

6.1. Can make things

6.1.1. ex. water molecule

7. 3. Macro molecule

7.1. LIPID or fat molecule

8. 4. Organelle

8.1. Bonded macro molecules

8.1.1. in the brain

9. 5. Cells

9.1. Cells are parts of your body that make up things

9.1.1. ex. skin cells