levels of organization of life

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levels of organization of life by Mind Map: levels of organization of life

1. Atoms

1.1. smallest unit of matter

1.2. takes up space & has mass

1.3. first level of organization of life

2. tissues

2.1. 6th organization of life

3. organs

3.1. 7th level of oprganization

4. organysystem

4.1. 8th level of organization

5. organism

5.1. 9th level of organization

6. molecule

6.1. made up of hydrogen and oxygen

6.2. second level of organization of life

6.3. water

7. macromolecule

7.1. mini malecule

7.2. lipid or fat molecule

8. organelles

8.1. made up of mitochondria, ribosome, valuole and cell membrain.

9. cells

9.1. made up of mitochondria, ribosome, valuole and cell membrain.