How did dictators use propaganda and/or terror to maintain their power

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How did dictators use propaganda and/or terror to maintain their power by Mind Map: How did dictators use propaganda and/or terror to maintain their power

1. Education as Propaganda

1.1. School

1.1.1. All subjects used to get across Nazi ideas

1.1.2. Children Taught to love their Furher

1.1.3. Boys---> Military

1.1.4. Girls---> Housekeeping

1.1.5. Indoctrinated with Nazi Ideas

1.2. Nazi Youth Groups

1.2.1. Compulsory after 1936

1.2.2. Boys joined the Hitler Youth Camping, hiking Military discipline

1.2.3. Girls joined the League of German Maidens Healthcare Preparation for motherhood

1.3. Youth Opposition- "The Swingers"

1.3.1. Groups of young people who listened to American or English muscic

1.3.2. They disputed Hitler Youth patrols and were severely punished

1.3.3. Groups such as the Navajos and Edelweiss Pirates were swingers

2. Propaganda Posters

2.1. This poster compares Hitler to Jesus

2.2. This is an advertisement for ant Anti-Semitic film

2.3. This is a poster encouraging young people to join the Hitler Youth

3. Terror

3.1. Secret Police

3.1.1. SS led by Himmler was to destroy opposition and enforce Nazi racial policies

3.1.2. Gestapo led by Heydrich arrested and tortured opposition to gain confessions

3.2. Concentration Camps

3.2.1. Many of Hitlers opposition sent to labour camps such as Dachau

3.3. Death/Extermination Camps

3.3.1. During The Final Solution, some concentration camps became death camps where innocent people including Jews and Gypsies were murdered

4. Propaganda and Terror

4.1. 1. Goebbels was appointed as Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda

4.1.1. Used all media to influence public opinion

4.2. 2.Newspapers And Books

4.2.1. 1933 book burning to destroy books with anti-Nazi ideas.

4.2.2. All anti-Nazi newspapers closed down and Jewish editors fired

4.2.3. One official news bureau was run by Goebbels who instructed the writers on views to take.

4.3. 3. Radio

4.3.1. Encouraged to buy peoples radio which could only pick up Nazi channels.

4.3.2. Loudspeakers in streets and bars for those not within reach of a radio.

4.3.3. Short-wave radio stations to broadcast abroad.

4.4. 4. Riefenstahl and Cinema

4.4.1. Cinema to boast about Hitler and German achievements

4.4.2. Anti-Semitic films such as "The Eternal Jew"

4.4.3. Propaganda films Leni Riefenstahl, Famous filmmaker- "The Triumph of The Will" about the 1934 Nuremberg Rally

4.5. 5. Rallies And Parades

4.5.1. Gatherings influenced public opinion as they created feelings of order, strength and togetherness

4.5.2. Berlin Olympics 1936 as huge propaganda

4.5.3. Nuremberg Rallies created new enthusiasm among supporters

4.6. 6. Cult of Personality

4.6.1. Slogans e.g "Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Fuhrer

4.6.2. Staged photos, meetings, portraits of Hitler

4.6.3. Cult of leader promoted worship of Hitler