Cross Curricular Links in PE

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Cross Curricular Links in PE by Mind Map: Cross Curricular Links in PE

1. Maths

1.1. Using mental maths in activites, e.g treasure hunts

1.2. Addition & subtraction

1.3. Scoring

1.4. Measurements & Area

1.5. Problem solving & orienteering

2. ICT

2.1. Filming and recording

3. Science

3.1. Learning about the body & healthy lifestyles

3.2. Forces

3.3. Observing, recording & measuring.

4. Drama

4.1. Expressing emotions through movement

5. Art

5.1. Making costumes for performances

5.2. Making props & scenery

6. Literacy

6.1. Sport reports & Speech

6.2. Grammar (e.g Kung Fu Punctuation & Active Adjectives)

6.3. Speaking & Listening (e.g instructing & understanding)


7.1. Healthy living and well-being

8. History

8.1. History of different countries & their sports

8.2. The development of games and sports over time (e.g rules)

8.3. How games used to be played and how they might be played now

9. Geography

9.1. Learning about different cultures and sport played in those cultures