Designing a topic-based syllabus for young learners.

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Designing a topic-based syllabus for young learners. by Mind Map: Designing a topic-based syllabus for young learners.

1. Topics and Tasks (Hudelson) 4 basic principles of learning and language learning.

1.1. 1. YL are in concrete operations.

1.2. 2. In a group situation some members know more than others. Interaction to go beyond their level of expression (scaffolding)

1.3. 3. Acquisition is a discovery process

1.4. 4. Aquisition occurs through social interaction.

2. Putting it together

2.1. The topic selects the new language items, should be used as a form of instructional scaffolding.

2.2. From topic to taks. the topic provides the inspiration for a variety of tasks.

2.2.1. Communication taks. (fluency through interaction)

2.2.2. Enabling tasks (accuracy through focus -on-form)

3. Total integration

3.1. Integrate language input and skills development.

4. Syllabus design: goals and content

4.1. Inexact science

4.2. Overall goals/objectives

4.3. English language syllabus for young learners. (Brunei) GOALS

4.3.1. 1. To help ss communicate effectively.

4.3.2. 2. To facilitate the acquisition of fluency and accuracy.

4.3.3. 3. To develop emergent reading and inculcate fondness for reading.

4.3.4. 4. To introduce language items within the context.

4.4. To generate appropriate units according to the 4 goals.

4.4.1. Communicate activities.

4.4.2. Communicative tasks

4.4.3. Gradual introduction

4.4.4. Topic related units derived form syllabus.

5. Minimazing mismatches.

5.1. sillabi, no prescriptive or uni-directional

5.2. Learning is mutually constructed and collaborated. (Nunan)

5.2.1. The experential domain Related to the child´s world

5.2.2. The learning process domain. Acquisition like activities in acquisition rich environments. (not on the product but on the learning process)

5.2.3. The language content domain. "Roughly tuned" language input. (language has to be packged in a way it makes sense to the children). Comprehensible and memorable.