Personal Cultural Profile based on the seven keys

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Personal Cultural Profile based on the seven keys by Mind Map: Personal Cultural Profile based on the seven keys

1. Relationships

1.1. The importance and time devoted to building relationships and developing trust and whether trust and relationships are viewed as a prerequisite for work- ing with someone.

1.2. My Profile on this key: I scored 17 on this key. Which is quite in the middle of transactional and interpersonal. I can relate to this because relationships are important for me with my friends and family. Yet, at school I am lately not really interested in the relations. I want to have a good band with everyone, but throughout the years it is not the most important thing for me anymore.

2. Communication Style

2.1. The way societies communicate, including the use of verbal and nonverbal expression, the amount of background information people need for understand- ing, and how directly (bluntly) or indirectly people speak. It also refers to whether brevity or detail is valued in a communication.

2.2. My profile on this key: I scored 15 on this one. Which is in the middle of being direct or indirect. Me as a Dutch person, is most of the time considered as very direct. I am not always like that. Sometimes I can be, at school or work, but most of the time im very carefull with what I say, and when.

3. Time Orientation

3.1. The degree to which people believe they can control time and adhere to schedules or whether schedules are seen as deadlines or estimates. It also includes whether schedules or people are more important.

3.2. My profile on this key: I scored 13. This makes me less time orientated. The funny thing about this one is that I really want to be very time orientated and have everything planned, but I never manage to do that. I always delay things and almost never hold on to the schedule I make for myself.

4. Motivation/Work-Life balance

4.1. Whether people work to live or live to work, whether they can achieve status in a society by trading personal time for the opportunity to advance.

4.2. My profile on this key: I scored 21 on this key. I do want to do this right on my job and invest time in it, but not at the expense of my personal life. I would not choose my job over my family or friends.

5. Egalitarian/Hierarchical

5.1. The way people view authority and power, how much they defer to people in authority, whether they feel entitled to express themselves, and how empowered they feel to make independent decisions and take the initiative.

5.2. My profile on this key: I scored 13. I personally like companies with less hierarchy more. I thing everyone is an equal and although my boss might have a higher function, I still would like to drink coffee with him or have a nice talk. Obivously, I would not have the option to choose how it would work in a company, but I prefer egalitarianism.

6. Group Focus

6.1. Whether people see accomplishment and responsibility as achieved through individual effort or collective effort and whether they identify themselves as individuals or as members of a group.

6.2. My profile on this key: I scored 18. I also consider myself more as a group person than an individual. Although during my study I did learned to be more individual, I still like to work together with people. I am a social person, so I am happy when I am surrounded by the right people.

7. Change Tolerance

7.1. The perception of how much control people think they have over their lives and destiny and their comfort with change, risk taking, and innovation.

7.2. My profile on this key: I scored 16. So I am in the middle of being change averse or tolerant. I think you can control time a little bit, but not all of it. There are certain things where you just have a specific amount of time for. Our lives are for a part determined by external forces, which we not always have influence on.