Webinar #2 - Youth Education for finding Passion and Purpose

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Webinar #2 - Youth Education for finding Passion and Purpose by Mind Map: Webinar #2 - Youth Education for finding Passion and Purpose

1. In our wildest dreams...

1.1. EDUCATING PARENTS for them not to push their kids into safe/traditional paths

1.2. SERIOUS PLAY: how to use some of these IT elements to create sharing learning spaces

1.3. Learning journeys

1.3.1. programme where all demanded professions in all the countries around the world are disclosed & people can go where their passions are most in demand

1.3.2. Apprenteship models of education (learning by doing) POLICY to encourage apprenteship, programme for a few hours a day

1.3.3. also catering to inner transition - connecting to oneself and to the whole (nature & interconnected worldview) - feeling the ONENESS

1.3.4. community of practise to support /reflecting space and sharing // mentoring

1.4. Positive examples / safe space

1.4.1. showing examples of great things that have been achieved by people that have followed their passion -

1.4.2. creating space for dialogue between students, parents, educators, ...

1.5. Experiencial learning as new norm

1.5.1. education that caters to all types of intelligence not just intellect, cultivating curiosity, whole person learning CREATING TIME AND SPACE for that awakening the dreamer


1.6.1. promoting intergenerational dialogue and co-learning, learning from collective wisdom, staying young in the mind

2. Exceptional initiatives / people / organisations

2.1. Tim Merry, slam poet

2.2. Neil Crofts

2.3. Frontrunners

2.3.1. // to kaos pilot but for high school ages

2.4. Green schools, Bali http://www.greenschool.org/

2.4.1. encouraging other schools to copy thier model

2.5. On the move - Leslie Medine

2.5.1. http://www.onthemovebayarea.org/

2.6. http://www.frederickoutdoordiscovery.org/about.php charter school

2.7. http://www.elementmagazine.co.nz/people/architecture/building-minds/

2.8. Shikshanter - swaraj foundation - http://www.swaraj.org/shikshantar/

2.9. Kufunda Village - Marianne Knuth - http://kufunda.org/

2.10. Mycelium School - http://www.myceliumschool.org/

2.11. Getting Smart: site dedicated to innovations in learning - http://gettingsmart.com/

2.11.1. Top 10+ TED Talks - http://gettingsmart.com/news/2011/10/top-10-ted-videos-on-education-learning/