Problem Solving Agenda System Brilhart-Jochem : Unhealthy relationship among students in University

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Problem Solving Agenda System Brilhart-Jochem : Unhealthy relationship among students in University by Mind Map: Problem Solving Agenda System Brilhart-Jochem : Unhealthy relationship among students in University

1. Step 2 : Solve The Problem

1.1. 1. Spend more time with friends even though already have partner.

1.2. 2. Spend money wisely, do not use it for unnecessary things.

1.3. 3. Focus and do not play phone in class. Pay attention to what lecture's are teaching.

1.4. 4. Plan class schedule wisely and make sure to follow the timetable.

1.5. 5. Self improvement. Have a mindset that our partner is not our future yet.

1.6. 6. Only buy important things.

1.7. 7. Limits the spending when dating.

2. Step 3 : Specific Criteria

2.1. 1. Self Control

2.2. 2. Time Management

2.3. 3. Limit the Expenses

3. Step 5 : Decision Into Effect

3.1. 1. Conduct a program for students

3.1.1. i. Give talk about how to manage time and survive in university

3.1.2. ii. Invite speakers form financial institution like ASB and Maybank to talk about financial management

3.2. 2. Encourage students to involve in charity work to improve their social skills

3.2.1. i. They will learn how to expand their circle

3.2.2. ii. Improve their communication skills as it is important for their future

3.2.3. iii. Spend more time with others not only their partners

4. Step 1 : Nature of Problem

4.1. 1. Late and absent the class

4.2. 2. Did not pay attention in class

4.3. 3. Over spending the money for partner

4.4. 4. Less spend time with friends

4.5. 5. Result drops

4.6. 6. Effect their mood for the whole day if they fight with their partner

5. Step 4 : Relative Merits

5.1. 1. Time Management

5.1.1. i. Settle the assignment before you hangout

5.1.2. ii. Do activities with friends and hangout together to keep in touch.

5.2. 2. Self Control

5.2.1. i. Do not too confident that your partner is your future

5.2.2. iii. Do not depend too much on your partner

5.2.3. iii. Be able to stand by your own feet