Indigenous people and communities in Canada today

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Indigenous people and communities in Canada today by Mind Map: Indigenous people and communities in Canada today

1. sexual abuse

2. Neglected

3. Hurt

3.1. Residential schools

4. ouch

4.1. suffer

4.1.1. hurt

5. converting religions

6. unfair

7. s

8. poor

9. abuse

10. the certain stereotypes that we know of; more to them that we may think

11. excluded

12. Drug abuse

13. excluded

14. alcool

15. Tabacco

16. stereotyped

17. High

18. smoking

19. hurt

20. cigarettes

21. stealing kids and putting them into a christian school


22. sadness

22.1. hard

22.1.1. equality

22.2. separation

22.2.1. alcoholism depression

23. Pain

23.1. Abuse

23.2. les pensionnats

24. Neglected

25. victims of racism

25.1. assimilation

25.2. stereotypes

25.2.1. sexual abuse

26. oppression

26.1. betrayal

26.1.1. Not educated

27. Different

28. Bad relationship with canadian government

28.1. stereotypes

28.1.1. sexual abuse

29. abused

30. conquered by the english and french men

31. Struggle

32. inequality

33. education

33.1. religion

33.1.1. assimilation

34. cultural differences

35. victims of sexual abuse

36. victims of stereotypes

37. charlotte

38. unhelpful police

39. pauvrety

40. mistreatment

41. alcoholism

42. not the same

43. diversity