Syllabus Level 1


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Syllabus Level 1 by Mind Map: Syllabus Level 1

1. Prepositions/ Present Continuous (16 hrs.)

1.1. Function: - Giving directions - Locating objects - On-going actions

1.2. e.g.: - Across the street. - In front of the chair. - I'm walking down the road.

2. Adverbs/ Past Simple (16 hrs.)

2.1. Funtions: - Reading/Writing a story - Narrating your life

2.2. e.g.: - Once upon a time... - He rapidly walked to school.

3. Adjectives/ can-can't/ Possessive Adjectives (16 hrs.)

3.1. Funtions: - Describing people, objects and actions - Explaining feelings - Possibilities

3.2. e.g.: - My house is clean. - She is beautiful. - He is feeling sad. - I can't ride a bike.

4. Present Simple (16 hrs.)

4.1. Functions: - Things happen - Questioning about what a person is doing

4.2. e.g.: - He drives a bicycle. - She works far.

5. Verb "to be" (16 hrs.)

5.1. Functions: - Introducing Yourself

5.2. e.g.: - My name is Carlos - He/She is from Brazil. - They are teachers.