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Fracture by Mind Map: Fracture

1. Stable fracture

1.1. Green stick

1.2. Transverse

1.3. Impacted

2. Complete

2.1. Acc to soft tissue damage

2.1.1. Simple

2.1.2. Compound

2.1.3. Complicated

2.2. Acc to number of fracture line

2.2.1. Multiple

2.2.2. Comminuted

2.3. Acc to shape of fracture line

2.3.1. Transverse

2.3.2. Oblique

2.3.3. Longitudinal

2.3.4. Spiral

2.4. Acc to anatomical location of the bone

2.4.1. Epiphyseal

2.4.2. Metaphyseal

2.4.3. Diphyseal

2.5. Acc to displacement of bone fragment

2.5.1. Transverse

2.5.2. Logitudinal

2.5.3. Overlapped

2.5.4. Angular

2.5.5. Avulsed

2.5.6. Impacted

2.5.7. Depressed

2.6. Single

2.7. Physeal

3. Incomplete

3.1. Green stick

3.1.1. In Young animal One side brocken and the other is stable

3.2. Fissure

3.2.1. Separation of bone fragment without displacement of periosteum

3.3. Star

3.3.1. Central point and radiating map

3.4. Splinted

3.4.1. Separation of bone fragment with displacement of periosteum

3.5. Deferrod

3.5.1. In mature animals Single or multiple fissures in bones

4. Unstable fracture

4.1. Oblique

4.2. Spiral

4.3. Multiple