How did Hitler and the Nazis consolidate power and create a totalitarian dictatorship after comin...

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How did Hitler and the Nazis consolidate power and create a totalitarian dictatorship after coming to power in 1933? by Mind Map: How did Hitler and the Nazis consolidate power and create a totalitarian dictatorship after coming to power in 1933?

1. The Night of the Long Knives

1.1. Leader of SA- Rohm- wanted to join SA and german army.

1.2. Hitler needed the army.

1.3. Used the SS to kill leadership of the SA.

2. Der Fuhrer

2.1. Combined role of president and chancellor.

3. Propaganda and Terror

3.1. SA were enlisted in police- legal terror.

3.2. Radio,newspapers,books,film- all under nazi control.

3.3. Education: used to brainwash younger generations.

4. Nazi Co-ordination

4.1. Established nazi branches throughout germany.

4.2. Reduced policies to simple slogans.

4.3. Used uniforms and salutes to show strength.

4.4. Nazis were the only political party in Germany.

4.5. Press was under Nazi control.

5. Enabling Law

5.1. Allowed Hitler to rule by decree

6. Reichstag Fire.

6.1. Communist set fire to the reichstag- allowed Hitler to outlaw communism.