Strengthening the existing hospital programs by providing necessary updates

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Strengthening the existing hospital programs by providing necessary updates by Mind Map: Strengthening the existing hospital programs by providing necessary updates

1. Transportation

1.1. nhhhh

2. Not enough educated people

3. Lack of economic stability

4. Drs flying in and out

5. Training nurses and Dr Assistance

6. Staff residents

7. create employment

8. Security

9. Heigine

10. Funding

11. Spread of diseases

12. Insufficient area/ Missing features

13. The only hospital in the southern peninsula

14. Analyzing + Technology Zone

15. Lab/ Phlebotomy

16. Bloodbank

17. Pharmacy

18. Vaccine

19. Medicine Room

20. Meeting Space/ education gathering

21. Health Education

22. Sex Education

23. lack of bathroom

24. Access to clean water

25. Garden Vegetation

26. How to sustain self

27. Family Planning