Across Boundaries 51 Clarkson Ave, Toronto 416 787 3007 [email protected]

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Across Boundaries 51 Clarkson Ave, Toronto 416 787 3007 [email protected] by Mind Map: Across Boundaries 51 Clarkson Ave, Toronto 416 787 3007

1. Across Boundaries offers various Programs: - Alternative Healing - Traditional Chinese Medicine - Art Therapy - Creative Expressions - Yoga - Musical Expression

2. Offers various support groups and programs that helps youth and families face challenges, become more in-touch with community and build on everyday skills.

2.1. Peer Support

2.2. Men's Group

2.3. Women's Group

2.4. Skills Building

2.5. Computer Training

2.6. Literacy and ESL

2.7. Life Skills

2.8. Community Kitchen

2.9. Shovel and Spoon Program

2.10. Current Events

2.11. Leadership & Advocacy Training

2.12. Drop-in Program

2.13. Community Meeting

2.14. Community Engagement

2.15. Family Support

2.16. Sangamam

2.17. Psychiatric Consultation Program

3. Goals/Vision: Dignified, inclusive and compassionate mental health and addiction services for racialized communities. Providing equitable, holistic mental health and addiction services for racialized communities.

4. Does the agency specifically address equity, inclusion and historically marginalized communities? How? Or how not? Across Boundaries provides services in many languages (i.e. Caribbean Dialects, African Languages, Central Asian Languages, South Asian Languages, and South East Asian Languages) It gives support to racialized minorities, giving them an opportunity to be heard and accepted

5. How are services/programs accessed? To be admitted into any of our mental health programs and support services, the individual: Has a severe mental illness/severe mental health problem and addictions Is a member of a racialized community (e.g. Black/African, South Asian, West Asian, Arab, South-East Asian, Latin American of Color) Is a resident of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Has or may suffer a breakdown in community living because of functional limitations Has had frequent breakdown in community living including hospitalizations Has one or more of the following Support Needs: a) Is isolated without social or family support b) Lacks appropriate supports to meet mental health needs Is on a waiting list for Case Management Needs structured activity Involvement in a support program is needed to maintain community living