Youth Culture in Today's Schools

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Youth Culture in Today's Schools by Mind Map: Youth Culture in Today's Schools

1. Social Media

1.1. Cyberbulling

1.2. Need to look perfect

1.3. Number of "likes"

1.4. Self-esteem

2. Family

2.1. Household rules

2.2. Could be seen as embarrassing

2.3. Potential safe place

3. Friends

3.1. Similar Interests

3.2. Plan Activities

3.3. Support group

4. School

4.1. Grades

4.2. Bullying

4.3. Diversity

5. Sports

5.1. Competition

5.2. Fitness

5.3. Working with others

6. Technology

6.1. iPhone

6.2. Laptop

6.3. All Information at fingertips

7. Religion

7.1. Can affect choices that are made

7.2. Can have an impact on who you surround yourself with